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South America

Discover the soul and secrets of South America…in Argentina, Brazil and Peru...

The energy and soul of these nations are tangible feelings. Everywhere the music is bright, rhythmic and cheerful and is balm for the soul. The dance, the tango and the sexy samba, puts a spring in your step while the melodious pan-piped Andean music will haunt your soul! The continent boasts the most diverse and challenging geography, stretching from the last bastion of unexplored rainforest left on our planet in northern Brazil to fjords and the bluest glaciers in southern Chile and Argentina and the driest deserts on earth found in the north of these countries. Here Mother Nature reveals her splendour without restraint. South America will leave you in awe of its ancient culture, dramatic living, history, beautifully warm people, extreme biodiversity and the awesome contrasting geography in every region. It will be difficult for you to decide whether you want to visit Argentina, Brazil or, Peru… We are certain our itineraries will help you choose the region which appeals to you the most.

iguassu waterfall argentina
island peru filler 2
machu picchu 2
machu picchu 4

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